Everyday Drama Club: AI Song Maker
"Everyday Drama Club: AI Song Maker" is a key part of Georgia Coffee’s campaign, inspired by its new message, "Everyday life is like a drama". It is one of the interactive, user-driven features within "Everyday Drama Club presented by GEORGIA", available on the campaign's website.
Following on from the "AI Illustration Maker," this second feature introduces a generative AI tool that creates original songs from a single uploaded photo. Based on the details in the photo, the AI generates lyrics, a title, and artwork, producing a unique original song performed by an AI singer.
As part of the "Everyday Drama Club" campaign, we were responsible for the technical direction of content production using generative AI, just as we were with the earlier release of the "AI Illustration Maker", which also utilized user-submitted content.
For this project, we developed a system capable of generating lyrics, vocal data, and cover images tailored to the themes of the lyrics, all derived from unpredictable user-uploaded photos. In addition to ensuring the quality of the output, we also leveraged insights gained from the "AI Illustration Maker" and implemented a combination of programmatic measures, UX design, and manual oversight to effectively control outputs that might include inappropriate expressions or copyright infringements.
At the time, there were few examples of user-submitted content leveraging generative AI. This posed unique challenges across various areas, including content development, server infrastructure, data handling, security, and compliance. By handling these adjustments and verifications comprehensively, we ensured the entire team could advance the project smoothly and efficiently.
- Client: Coca‑Cola (Japan) Company, Limited.
- Tech Directors: Yoshiaki Kajiyashiki / Shunki Hasegawa